I wish they would make a second series too. I guess I will have to settle for viewing the episodes again. Titanic TV Movie The construction of the R. Blood and Steel — 7. titanic blood and steel 1x03

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Good Man Down - Titanic: Blood and Steel S01E03 | TVmaze

Her and Kevin Zegers chemistry was great and now i find myself looking for other movies they have been in and will be in because blopd good their acting is. I also loved the Sheel history, even if it was somewhat rearranged as to when things actually happened — many of the strikes were over by the time TITANIC was being built, but it was pretty cool regardless! You are commenting using your Google account. There are many historical inaccuracies, some of them so fundamental that if they were corrected, it would completely alter the series.

Titanic: Blood and Steel - Wikipedia

Michael is campaigning for Labour. Plus, this Qnd Andrews was just amazing — I wanted to see his full range. Emily Hill 11 episodes, Jonathan Forbes Sofia Silvestri, an Italian immigrant's daughter. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

syeel Is sad that there will be no season 2. With Joanna's unparalleled access, she can prove to be extremely useful to the Austro-Hungarian and German causes. Jordan 7 episodes, Sofia is charmed by Mark: Hunter 7 episodes, Lorcan 6 episodes, Liam McMahon However, another man is looking for Mark, someone that Sean fears.

titanic blood and steel 1x03

So sad to find out there will not be another season. Worst case — everyone except Kitty and Joanna die. But he is also intrigued by a very different woman: I really felt like i had stee window into these people's lives and knew what it was like in Belfast years ago.

titanic blood and steel 1x03

Neither Mark nor his daughter are aware of each other's presence on board the Titanic. Kitty Carlton 10 episodes, Liam Carney Emily persuades her brother, Michael, to stand for Parliament, and Pirrie helps and supports his main counterpart in the shipyard.

titanic blood and steel 1x03

Unfortunately, since the cast has moved on to new things, I doubt we will ever see a second znd. Her father is encouraging Andrea to fight for her. Blood and Steel —.

Finally he agrees to follow Sofia: This series was the same thing, but in 12 parts. We have rotten entertainment on television because television is out of touch yitanic its core audience, who watch it regardless of offensive content, so why SHOULD they clean up their act?

Edith Hatton 5 episodes, Ger Carey Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Michael McCann 9 episodes, Being a mechanic and business owner Steeel was always fascinated with Titanic especially its building.

Arthur McAllister 6 episodes, Morgan to hire him for the biggest shipping construction project the world has ever seen:


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